social myth

Mythology vs sociology :: Politics vs philosophy

Philosophical mythology vs political sociology is the conflict between progress and regress, sophrosyne vs hubris, and thus the world of freedom and liberty vs the world of authority and control.

“Do or do not, there is no try” is incompatible with corpo-capitalism because teaching mythological belief in the Force that you can find harmony with, is contrary to the demand by the corpos that alignment, not harmony, is the arrangement and humanity (and human productivity) not a mysterious Force, is the the means for success.

There is no true mythos in corpo-capitalism and because of that weak, shadows of myth are treated like myth, leading to cults of personality around CEO as rockstar, cults of community around sports teams or pop culture icons, and cults of fetish around mass-produced objects only better by degree than their more mundane counterparts.

The cults exist because we have no true myths to provide a spiritual foundation to the meaning of our lives. We are born, we live, we die. Alone.

Mythos is what tells us the things that matter. In a myth-free world, nothing we do matters. This is unacceptable to our psyche. We are actors. Agency is what separates us from beasts. Without it we are un-humanized.

Consequently everything we do must first be measured to see if it can fill in the missing foundations. Thus nothing we do is ever sufficient, fueling a need for novelty at the lowest cost and greatest convenience to fit the scramble for meaning into our otherwise meaningless lives filled with the trivialities of the struggle to survive in a meaningless world because we are afraid this might be all there is. Because we have no myths about what is after death.

Religion is not mythology. Religion is ritual. The habit of faith is not faith. The ritual habit of religion is a trap set to control the masses. Set by the few to give them power over the many. True spiritual freedom is anathema to religion for the same reason it is anathema to corporations and governments: it removes dependency.

When you are free you don’t need them. When you don’t need them, they can’t control you.

When you are free you don’t fear them. When you don’t fear them they can’t control you.

When you are free you don’t want them. When you don’t want them they can’t control you.

When you are free you don’t worship them. When you don’t worship them they can’t control you.

Freedom is the space created by lack of controlling authority in your life so that you can have the liberty to exercise your agency.

When you are not free, you are not human.

When you are un-human you are a resource.

When you are a resource you are consumable.

The purpose of their control is to consume you.





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